Why we love this recipe
Leafy greens are a good source of iron, which can be depleted during your monthly cycle. Gently up your iron intake with this tasty veggie medley.
What are “mixed greens?”
Mixed greens can include turnip greens, curry leaves, parsley, cilantro, spinach (we prefer baby spinach for this dish), bok choy, Asian greens, and kale, chard, etc.
Cooking tips
Sesame oil is best for this recipe, but if your Pitta tends to get aggravated during your period, choose organic ghee instead. If turnip greens are part of your mix, remember these are naturally salty, so add less salt than you would normally.
What to eat it with
Your mixed greens medley can be added to Soba Noodles; prepared separately for a complete meal; added to rice that has been boiled separately; or eaten with freshly made chapatis. You could also add it to our Kitchari Recipe for the Monthly Cycle. Either way, these greens taste delicious.
- 3 cups of uncooked, seasonal, fresh mixed greens, chopped in small pieces
- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil or ghee
- ½ - ¾ teaspoons of ground cumin
- A small pinch of ground ginger
- Salt to taste
- In a wok, heat the oil or ghee or medium high.
- When you see the oil start to ripple a little, add the ginger, turn down the heat and add your mixed greens.
- Turn heat back on medium high and allow the greens to cook down a little. Mix so that all the greens are coated with the oil.
- Add the salt and cumin and cook on medium-high to high for about 6-8 minutes until the liquid from the mixed greens has evaporated.
For more helpful suggestions for a more mellow moon time, read Ayurvedic Herbs and Tips for a Smoother Cycle. And if PMS has got you down, you may also want to read our article on SOS for PMS: Ayurvedic Recommendations.
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