Amrit Kalash Ambrosia Tablets, Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste, and Worry Free

Got the blues
from time to time?
Stress is a normal part of everyday life. Sometimes it can be a good thing, giving your mind and body a chance to adapt and strengthen. Stress only becomes a problem when it accumulates, leaving you feeling run down, frazzled, and emotionally depleted. When your body is stressed, your muscles tense up, your digestion gets out of whack, your sleep patterns change, and your mind can feel agitated or foggy. Over time, this can lead to weight gain, digestive problems, relationship challenges, and other unwanted issues.
Fortunately, with the wisdom of Ayurveda, you can minimize the detrimental effects of stress through simple self-care practices that nurture mind, body, and spirit and help you de-stress–naturally.
From the Ayurvedic perspective, it’s important to 1) take steps to alleviate discomfort in the moment, and 2) tackle the root cause of stress. By following simple, long-term diet, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations, you can build your own innate resilience over time.

Ease discomfort with
synergistic herbal supplements.

Long term:
Tackle the root cause of stress. Strengthen your immune system with long-term diet, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations to boster mind and body and build resilience over time.

Short-term strategies
Let’s start with some potent herbal formulas to help reclaim your inner calm in the short term.
How Can We Help You with
Your Emotions Today?
In the past week or two, have you been feeling worried, frazzled, scattered, or occasionally anxious? Do you tend to feel like your mind is constantly abuzz? If this sounds familiar, you might have a Vata imbalance!
In Ayurveda, Vata is the mind-body element (or dosha) associated with air and space. Vata dosha is responsible for all the movement and processes in your body—from your breathing and elimination to the movement of thoughts in your mind. When Vata dosha is out of balance, you may feel spaced-out and scattered, your mind awhirl with thoughts and worry.
Soothe frayed nerves with this calming collection of comforting, Vata-balancing Ayurvedic herbal remedies, which help you de-stress by downregulating your stress response and soothing frayed nerves.
Feeling like you have a short fuse? Have you been experiencing intense bursts of frustration, irritability, and anger recently? If so, you probably have a Pitta imbalance.
Pitta is the Ayurvedic mind-body element (dosha) associated with fire and water. Pitta dosha is responsible for the metabolic processes in your body—particularly your digestive fire. When Pitta dosha is out of balance, your temperament might get a bit fiery, too.
Try these cooling, soothing, Pitta-balancing Ayurvedic herbal remedies, which are designed to help ease tension and build inner contentment and confidence.
Got the blues from time to time? Some people tend to get bogged down by the weight of the world. If you’ve been feeling dull, sluggish, lethargic, and a bit down in the dumps lately, you might have a Kapha imbalance.
In Ayurveda, Kapha dosha is the mind-body element associated with earth and water. Kapha dosha governs your body’s structure and tissues, from your bones to your muscles. When Kapha is out of balance, you naturally feel heavier in both mind and body.
Ayurvedic herbs can give you a little mood boost, naturally.
Did you know?
All of our synergistic herbal supplements are prepared using the principle of samyoga, the ancient science of combining herbs. Each formula is a precise combination of herbs carefully selected to strengthen the formula in different important ways. We use the whole plant, not just a part, which helps ensure maximum effectiveness.
Not quite sure what stress support you need most? There is one Ayurvedic herb that’s beneficial for everyone! Ashwagandha is celebrated in Ayurveda as an adaptogen, a botanical that helps your body naturally adapt to stress.

Śankari recommends:
Organic Ashwagandha Tablets
500mg - 60 Tablets

Śankari recommends:
Organic Ashwagandha Tablets
$20.00 | 500mg - 60 Tablets
This potent botanical is included in our targeted stress-support blends, which help you address specific emotional concerns—but you can take it in single-herb form for more general results.
• Naturally increase your resistance to stress.
• Support healthy functioning of the adrenals and reproductive system.
• Improve communication between the brain and gut to help curb cravings.
• Nourish the nerves and increase both physical and mental stamina.
• Supports falling asleep at night, deeper sleep.

Long-Term Strategies
From an Ayurvedic perspective, building long-term resilience to stress comes from strengthening the mind, emotions, immune system, and digestion. First, we’ll look at some beneficial supplements, and then we’ll share some diet and lifestyle tips to help you prevent the build up of excess stress .

Amrit Kalash — A Daily Immunity Boost for Mind and Body
In Ayurveda, there is a special category of herbs and elixirs known as rasayanas, which are said to promote longevity and life essence.
Of these, Amrit Kalash—our Vitality Synergistic Duo—is celebrated as the “rasayana of all rasayanas.” A daily duo of herbal paste and tablets, Amrit Kalash contains a powerful blend of adaptogenic herbs and antioxidants that boost the immune system and bolster your mind and body against stress. That’s why we recommend our Vitality Synergistic Duo as part of a long-term strategy for managing stress.
What Are Your Long-Term Goals for Emotional Wellbeing?
If you’d like to nourish your nervous system over time and build a stable foundation for stress management, try this helpful regimen! This synergistic Ayurvedic trio helps calm the mind and emotions over time, while also shoring up your overall immunity, digestion, vitality, and well-being.

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Daily Duo + Calm Boost

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Daily Duo + Calm Boost
$180.00 |
Looking for a little long-term help bolstering yourself against frustration, irritability, and tension? This synergistic trio of Ayurvedic formulas helps you keep an even keel emotionally, while boosting your vitality, immunity, digestion, and overall well-being.

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Duo + Mood Boost

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Duo + Mood Boost
$180.00 |
Amrit Kalash Ambrosia Tablets, Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste, and Stress Free Emotions.
Is your wellness goal to bring a little more joy back into your life? This uplifting, synergistic trio of Ayurvedic formulas nourishes the heart and emotions, while delivering daily support to your immune system, digestion, and overall vitality.

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Daily Duo + Joy Boost

Śankari recommends:
Vitality Synergistic Daily Duo + Joy Boost
$180.00 |
Amrit Kalash Ambrosia Tablets, Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste, and Blissful Joy
Got questions about how to manage your stress levels or emotions, or Ayurveda in general? Check in with our in-house health coach Amy Reyes.
Amy earned her Bachelors in Ayurvedic Wellness from Maharishi International University in Fairfield, IA where she has been living for three years. She specializes in taking pulse, herbs, yoga asanas, daily routine, essential oils, mental clarity, and other lifestyle modifications to bring balance to the body and mind. She tailors highly individualized wellness programs for customers to best meet their needs.
MyVeda® Check-Ins are free.
Book yours today..

3 Easy Yoga Poses to Calm the Mind & Emotions
Feeling overwhelmed? Exercise is one of the best things you can do to bring things back into perspective.
How does exercise reduce stress? In addition to boosting your circulation and mood, it also decreases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, while stimulating the production of feel-good chemicals like endorphins. Walking, running, swimming, stretching, hiking, biking, and aerobics are all great ways to get your body moving and stimulate endorphins. Yoga–the sister science of Ayurveda–is also one of the best stress-relieving exercises out there. Studies have shown that yoga is extremely beneficial at calming the mind, promoting relaxation, and improving your overall sense of well-being. Not to mention for toning the body and breath too.
Take 5–10 minutes to get back in touch with your body and breath with these three easy Maharishi Yoga Āsanas. All Maharishi Yoga Āsanas help the mind and body to relax and unwind, but these three are particularly helpful.
Do each āsana to your level of comfort, without strain or force.2
The recommended duration of each pose is approximate. You can hold any pose for less time.3
Remember to breathe normally and naturally throughout your practice.4
Rest between each asana as desired, if you’re feeling short of breath.1

(Thunderbolt Pose) Or Diamond Pose
Aids digestion, calms the mind.

Hare Pose
Calms and relaxes mind, body, and emotions. Helps relieve fatigue and anger. Stretches lower back.

Awareness Pose
A restful pose that replenishes depleted energy and increases alertness.

Daily Lifestyle
Make time each day for exercise, rest, de-stressing, and relaxation with these simple, effective Ayurvedic daily practices.
Free Ayurvedic e-Guide to Managing Stress Naturally
Learn more easy, practical ways to stop stress in its tracks.
Stress e-Guide
Stress SOS Self-Care Diary:
Your Weekly Check-In
Good health starts with good habits. Stay on track with our helpful, printable Stress SOS Self-Care Diary.
SOS Diary
Transcendental Meditation
Daily meditation practice—especially the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM)—helps purify mental stress and awakens your body’s innate healing mechanisms. A Stanford University study found theTranscendental Meditation technique to be twice as effective as other techniques for managing stress and feelings of anxiousness.
Sukh Pranayama
Alternate nostril breathing (sukh pranayama) is a traditional practice that balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and calms the whole nervous system.

Tune into our The Pulse Podcast and learn some helpful strategies for unwinding naturally when life gets stressful.
Suggested foods THAT
As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. And in Ayurveda, certain foods are deemed especially valuable when it comes to managing stress. Generally speaking, it’s beneficial to follow a whole foods diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, fresh produce, and healthy fats like olive oil and ghee. When you’re feeling especially stressed, keep these simple “food for stress” suggestions and recipes in mind.

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, which can help you sleep better at night. Try sprinkling some into your salads and sautés.

Whole Milk
Rich in tryptophan and calcium, whole milk helps to regulate natural melatonin, which helps you sleep.

Not only do almonds deliver a great shot of protein, almonds contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and other nutrients that support a healthy brain and better sleep.
Foods and Stress: What to Avoid
Did you know that certain foods can trigger your body’s stress response? Just as following a whole foods diet can help you manage stress naturally, eating certain foods can exhaust and deplete your energy stores. You may not be surprised to learn the main culprits: caffeinated beverages and junk foods.

Caffeinated Beverages
Coffee, black tea, and other caffeinated beverages are okay for some people, but they’re best avoided if you’re feeling wound up and having trouble sleeping.

Junk Food
Sugary sweets and overly salted, fried, or processed foods deplete your energy. Instead, reach for healthy, whole-foods snacks and foods that fuel your mind and body.

Guest recipe by Laurina Carroll!
Avocado on Bread
Use homemade gluten-free bread, or store-bought bread or crackers.
When I travel, I always have avocados in the car, or I carry them on the plane when I fly. I bring a spoon, some salt, and a lemon. Simple Mills makes great gluten-free almond crackers that I love when I don’t have time to bake bread. You can add pesto, sauerkraut, or a pickle.
If you prefer a sweeter taste, add sugarless organic jam and tahini or sunflower seed butter with avocado on bread. It’s so delicious and nutritious.
—Laurina Carroll is a Transcendental Meditation teacher, Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, Speaker/Educator, and the author of Perfect Health for Busy People.

Walnut Burgers
Walnuts are considered natural stress-busters in Ayurveda. One walnut a day is good for growing children as it is considered to have "medhya" qualities-nourishing for the brain.
Key Ingredients
3 cups filtered water
1 cup rice
½ cup quinoa
¼ cup oats
½ cup organic walnuts, hand crushed into small pieces
1 large organic leek, chopped medium or ½ a large onion

Emotional Balance Spice Mix
Spices are more than just tasty seasonings. They can help purify ama (toxins)—both physical and emotional. Try this peppery blend.
Key Ingredients
1 part ground black pepper
1 part ground dried ginger
2 parts ground coriander
3 parts ground cumin
2 parts ground turmeric
1 part crushed black cumin (women only)

Ashwagandha Ghee & Sweet Spice Latte
Create calm with this comforting latte featuring one of the most popular Ayurvedic adaptogens—ashwagandha.
Key Ingredients
1 cup homemade cashew milk (or unsweetened store-bought alternative)
1 teaspoon Pure Indian Ashwagandha Ghee
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
1 ½ teaspoons raw organic honey, or to taste
Optional: more cinnamon as garnish

Slumbertime Tea Tonic
Get a double dose of calm with warm milk and Slumber Time® Tea! In Ayurveda, drinking warm milk before bed is a tasty, traditional ritual to encourage deep sleep. Perfect for days when you need a little extra help de-stressing before bed.
Mindful Eating When Stressed
Word to the wise: try not to wolf your food down on-the-go when you’re feeling stressed! Eating quickly, or while standing or walking, can disrupt your digestion and lead to heartburn, acid indigestion, and other unpleasant issues.
Whenever possible, take a mindful approach to eating. Sit comfortably and quietly in a settled environment, free from distractions (like books, TV, and electronic devices), and turn your attention to your meal. It’s fine to enjoy some light conversation while you eat but try to avoid stressful topics. Your stomach will thank you!