Daily Pulse
Women's Health
Amla Berry and Feminine Health
Amalaki (also known as Amla or Amla Berry) is considered good for both men and women, but especially so for women. This traditional fruit is used in Maharishi Ayurveda to regulate and support a broad range of purifying and elimination actions in the body. Amla also balances Apana Vata, the ayurve...
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress
Our founder—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—revived the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, including the Trans...
Vata-Related Weight Imbalances
If you are Vata-predominant, you are normally thin and wiry. But that doesn't mean weight gain w...
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Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress
Our founder—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—revived the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, including the Trans...
Vata-Related Weight Imbalances
If you are Vata-predominant, you are normally thin and wiry. But that doesn't mean weight gain w...
Recent News
Ten Ayurvedic Ways to Start Your New Year Right
New Year's Resolutions are best known for the speed with which they are forgotten. Yet, total hea...
Mind & Memory
Supporting Memory, Recovering Wholeness
Have you ever walked purposefully into a room and then forgotten why you went there? Have you run...
Mind & Memory/Intelligence Plus
High Performance Brainpower: Three Pillars
To enjoy peak mental performance at any age, there are three facets of Ayurvedic wellness that ne...
Cultivating the Sattvic Mind: Ayurvedic Recommendations for Purity of Life
Through centuries of observing both cosmic and human behavior, ancient Ayurvedic experts defined ...
Seasonal Health
Seven Keys to Unlock Your Brain Power this Spring
According to Maharishi AyurVeda, there are three equally important aspects to mental performance...
Worry Free Tea
Prostate Health and Ayurveda: Our Top 10 Tips
Most men hardly know they have a prostate until they reach middle age, when prostate health can b...