Why we love this recipe
Muggy summer days call for sweet, celebratory rooftop and patio beverages! Our refreshing Melon, Mint, and Cucumber Smoothie recipe shines with the vibrant flavors of summertime. Perfect for midday pick-me-ups and backyard gatherings, this Pitta-balancing favorite is always a hit.
Melon Smoothies and Pitta Dosha
Chopped honeydew is the star ingredient in this easy cucumber-melon smoothie recipe. Like most melons, honeydew is sweet, cooling, and hydrating, which makes it very balancing for fiery Pitta dosha. (Learn more about Pitta dosha.) We’ve added cucumber and mint as well for their cooling, Pitta-balancing properties. Add a squeeze of fresh lime juice and some honey and voilà: your perfect Ayurvedic summertime beverage.
Makes 2 servings
- 2 cups of chopped honeydew
- 1 cup of chopped English cucumber
- 12 fresh mint leaves
- 2-4 tablespoons of fresh lime juice, to taste
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- Purée ingredients in a blender until smooth for this delicious summertime refresher.
Want to try more cucumber smoothie recipes? Check out our Cucumber-Lime-in-the-Summertime Juice!
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