Daily Pulse
Women's Health
Amla Berry and Feminine Health
Amalaki (also known as Amla or Amla Berry) is considered good for both men and women, but especially so for women. This traditional fruit is used in Maharishi Ayurveda to regulate and support a broad range of purifying and elimination actions in the body. Amla also balances Apana Vata, the ayurve...
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress
Our founder—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—revived the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, including the Trans...
Vata-Related Weight Imbalances
If you are Vata-predominant, you are normally thin and wiry. But that doesn't mean weight gain w...
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Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress
Our founder—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—revived the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, including the Trans...
Vata-Related Weight Imbalances
If you are Vata-predominant, you are normally thin and wiry. But that doesn't mean weight gain w...
Recent News
Triphala Benefits for Digestion, Immunity & More
Triphala is one of the most famous herbal compounds in Ayurveda. Literally translated, the word “...
The Ayurvedic Approach to Balancing Blood Cholesterol
In the U.S. alone, nearly 122 million adults have high cholesterol, and high cholesterol is well...
DIY Ayurvedic Spa Treatment
Day spas are becoming more and more popular. They provide an oasis in our buzzing world, where yo...
Youthful Skin Massage Oil for Women
Special Types of Ayurvedic Massage
The ayurvedic full-body self-massage, called abhyanga, is traditionally performed every day for o...
Sesame Oil: Ayurvedic Benefits and Three Ways to Use it
Sesame oil, called "til" oil in Sanskrit, has reportedly been known since Vedic times. The ancie...
Ayurvedic Foot Care
More than 70% of all people in the United States will have painful foot problems at some point ...