Over the years we've received hundreds of questions about how to take MAPI herbal supplements for the most effective results. Here are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers. Whether you're new to our MAPI family or have been taking our supplements for years, there is always something new to learn.
Supplements FAQ
Q: Why should I take Maharishi Ayurveda herbs?
A: Maharishi Ayurveda supplements contain high-quality herbs that are combined into potent formulas to correct the underlying imbalance in the physiology, without causing side effects. Instead of just treating the symptoms, these formulations aim to eliminate the root cause of the problem.
Q: I have many symptoms. Which herbs should I start with?
A: In Ayurveda, we consider symptoms to be like the fruits of a tree. In most cases, there is a common root. There are primary and secondary imbalances. Ayurveda tries to address the primary imbalance first. Treating the secondary imbalances might bring relief, but that is only partial treatment.
For example, you might suffer from constipation and headaches at the same time. You need to identify which started first. If your constipation came first, probably due to a diet low in fiber and high in dry foods, your Apana Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs downward flow in the intestines) likely became aggravated. Apana Vata regulates the downward movement in the abdominal area. When it is out of balance, Apana Vata can put pressure on Prana Vata, which is seated in the head. As a result, you experience headaches. Therefore, in order to eliminate your headaches, you need to get rid of your constipation first, and then the headaches will disappear. In this case, you should increase the fiber in your diet by eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains. In addition, take Maharishi Ayurveda Herbal Cleanse, to aid elimination. Taking a walk after dinner will also help balance Apana Vata.
On the other hand, if your headaches preceded your constipation, you should try to balance Prana Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs the mind) first.
Overuse and misuse of the mind, and mental stress put pressure on Prana Vata and can cause headaches. If they go untreated, that can pull Apana Vata out of balance and you may develop constipation as well. To cure the imbalances, you should reduce mental work, and release stress by practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique. Go to bed before 10:00 p.m., and introduce a weekly warm oil scalp massage into your routine. Maharishi Ayurveda Worry Free tablets, Aroma, and Tea are also excellent for balancing Prana Vata. To take the guesswork out of the problem, see an Ayurvedic expert who can determine the root cause of the problem and address all of your symptoms.
Q: How many supplements can I take at a time?
A: That depends on what you are taking. Amrit Kalash and Organic Premium Amla Berry are rasayanas (nutritional elixirs) which balance all the three doshas. You can take these with any other herbs. Other supplements have stronger, targeted therapeutic effects: for example, Elim-Tox or Worry Free, which balance specific doshas and subdoshas or support detoxification. These you shouldn't overdo. They are very powerful, and too many of them can overstimulate your physiology. As a general rule, don't take more than four formulas at a time in addition to Amrit Kalash. In addition, it is not always wise to take some supplements simultaneously, because they may have overlapping benefits — for example, Elim-Tox and Radiant Skin.
Q: How many imbalances can I correct at the same time?
A: Focusing on one or two at the most at a time is best. Try to identify the ones that came first, and work on those to start with. Sometimes you may find that clearing those up addresses some secondary imbalances as well.
Q: How many herbs should I take for the same problem?
A: It might be tempting to take Bio-Immune, Sniffle Free, and Cold Weather Defense all at once to get rid of your problem quickly. However, you shouldn't take more than two for related issues. Maharishi Ayurveda formulas are designed to take care of several aspects of the same condition, so taking more will not increase their effectiveness.
Q: How long do I need to take the supplements?
A: This again depends on the formula. Amrit Kalash and other rasayanas can be taken all the time. Their role is to strengthen the physiology and support the immune system.
Herbs that are designed to correct a specific imbalance, such as Sniffle Free and Protection Plus Sinuses, should be taken for 30-45 days after the symptoms are gone. The disappearance of symptoms does not mean that the imbalance is gone. Ayurveda distinguishes six stages of disease; symptoms don't occur until stage four. Even if you are symptom free, you have three more levels of imbalance to clear.
Some supplements, on the other hand, even if addressing a targeted imbalance, can help prevent the returning of the condition if taken continually. Cholesterol Protection, for example, reduces ama (digestive toxins) in the fat tissue. When ama accumulates in the fat tissue, it manifests as high cholesterol. When your cholesterol level becomes normal, you should continue taking Cholesterol Protection to prevent the buildup of ama.
Q: What's the best time to take the supplements?
A: We usually recommend taking them after meals. If you take herbs with food, you can tolerate them better, no matter how strong or weak your agni is. Some formulas can be taken at other times; for example, Herbal Di-Gest before meals to stimulate the digestive agni. If you are sensitive, taking herbs on an empty stomach can make your body react too fast. Unless otherwise recommended, take the formulas 30 minutes after your main meals.
Q: Why is it important to take the supplements every day?
A: Since you use your body's systems and organs every day, they need constant support until the imbalance is addressed. Add supplements into your daily routine, and if you tend to forget to take them, devise ways to remind yourself. Make notes in your daytimer or set a reminder on your phone or computer. Keep supplements on your dining table instead of the cupboard. Carry them with you in a tablet dispenser to work.
Q: Is it necessary to change my diet, or is taking the formulas enough?
A: You can facilitate the balancing process by also adjusting your diet and routine. If you are taking Protection Plus Sinuses, for instance, you should also reduce spicy food, cold foods and drinks, and favor cooked warm meals that are easy to digest.
Maharishi Ayurveda herbal formulations are very powerful in treating imbalances. By taking the right amount at the right time, and by adjusting your diet, you can greatly enhance their benefits.
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