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Joint Soothe II®

$49.00 4 oz

Therapeutic massage oil for healthy joints. The perfect companion to therapeutic massage, which supports natural circulation around the joints. Circulation is essential for lubricating the joints and delivering vital nutrients to the joints.

• Massage soothes, lubricates & promotes circulation of the joints
• With Mahanarayan & Mahavishagarbh oils
• Perfect companion to therapeutic massage for healthy joints

Sesamum indicum (sesame) seed oil, Pinus roxburghii (chir pine) oil, Celastrus paniculatus (celastrus) seed, Milk, Dryobalanops camphora (borneo camphor), Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) root, Rubia cordifolia (Indian madder/manjistha) root, Sodii chloridum impura (rock salt), Piper longum (long pepper) fruit, Pluchea lanceolata (pluchea) leaf, Adhatoda vasica (malabar nut tree) leaf, Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) root, Pueraria tuberosa (Indian kudzu) tuberous root, Oroxylum indicum (oroxylum) bark, Abutilon indicum (Indian abutilon) whole plant, Solanum xanthocarpum (yellow-fruit nightshade) whole plant, Gymnema sylvestre (gymnema) leaf, Solanum nigrum (black nightshade) whole plant, Clerodendrum serratum bark, Paederia foetida (skunkvine) whole plant, Cuminum cyminum (cumin) fruit, Asparagus adscendens root, Boerhavia diffusa (boerhavia) root, Tribulus terrestris (tribulus) fruit, Inula racemosa (Indian elecampane) root, Myrica nagi (Asian bayberry) bark, Uraria picta whole plant, Tinospora cordifolia (Indian tinospora) stem, Zingiber officinale (ginger) rhizome, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (night jasmine) leaf, Premna integrifolia (arani) whole plant, Gmelina arborea (malay bush beech) bark, Achyranthes aspera (prickly chaff flower) whole plant, Hordeum vulgare (barley) whole plant, Sodii carbonas (sodium carbonate), Sida cordifolia (heart-leaf sida) whole plant, Solanum indicum (solanum anguivi) whole plant, Hemidesmus indicus root, Valeriana wallichii (Indian valerian) rhizome, Cissampelos pareira (velvetleaf) whole plant, Fagonia cretica (Indian fagonia) whole plant, Cyperus rotundus (cyperus) root, Sphaeranthus indicus (Indian sphaeranthus) whole plant, Stereospermum suaveolens (fragrant padri tree) bark, Piper nigrum (pepper) fruit, Plumbago zeylanica (ceylon leadwort) root, Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) root, Butea frondosa (flame-of-the-forest) seed, Desmodium gangeticum (sarivan) whole plant, Curcuma longa (turmeric) rhizome, Eclipta alba (eclipta) whole plant, Mesua ferrea (mesua) flower, Moringa oleifera (horseradish tree) bark, Vitex negundo (Chinese chaste tree) root, Anethum sowa (Indian dill) fruit, Teramnus labialis (blue wiss) whole plant, Bryonia laciniosa seed, Cinnamomum tamala (Indian cassia) leaf, Elettaria cardamomum (cardamom) fruit, Melia azedarach (melia) bark, Aegle marmelos (bael tree) bark, Azadirachta indica (neem) bark, Cassia tora (sickle-pod senna) seed, Berberis aristata (Indian barberry) stem, Cedrus deodora (deodar cedar) heartwood, Phaseolus trilobus (three-lobe-leaf cowpea) whole plant, Curcuma aromatica (wild turmeric) rhizome, Nardostachys jatamansi (jatamansi) rhizome, Santalum album (sandalwood) heartwood.

For external use only. Shake well. Gently rub Joint Soothe II over the joint 2-3 times a day. Avoid areas of the skin that are reddish in color or inflamed.

Important: If you are pregnant or nursing, or have a known medical condition, consult your physician before using this or any other herbal product. Store in a cool and dry place, lid tightly closed. Keep out of reach of children. May stain clothing.


  • Key Ingredients
  • Formula
  • Origin

Joint Soothe II is a combination of two traditional oil formulas:

• Mahanarayan oil is praised in the classical ayurvedic texts. It consists of more than fifty herbs that are processed with milk and sesame oil on a low fire for many hours. This lengthy process is important to retain the potency and intelligence of the herbs.
• Mahavishagarbh oil.

This combination is the perfect companion to therapeutic massage, which supports natural circulation around the joints.

Nourish and lubricate the joints

Massage helps soothe the joints by promoting local circulation.

Benefits of massage according to ayurveda:

• Optimal circulation around the joints (Vyana Vata)
• Proper lubrication of the joints (Shleshaka Kapha)
• Circulation helps deliver vital nutrients to the joints

Joint Soothe II is a powerful oil prepared with over sixty ayurvedic herbs. It is the perfect companion to therapeutic massage that supports circulation, which is essential for lubricating the joints and delivering vital nutrients to the joints. Joint Soothe II is especially good to use after abhyanga massage to soothe and nourish the joints.



Farah M.

Joint soothe oil brings temporary relief to my achy areas, and that I must supplement with proper self-care and prevention measures when there are other underlying causes to the problem.



My wife has arthritic pain in both knees on occasions. This oil is a great help. Small amounts rubbed in start to work quite quickly. Regular use eliminates the pain after a day or two


Alan M.

I've been using joint soothe II for almost 10 years with dramatic relief from arthritis. When the arthritis began, it was serious -- burning pain, dislocating joints, weakness. My regular doc said there was not medical protocol and warned me not to take pain meds because of their side effects. Within weeks of beginning to use joint soothe, the relief was amazing. I can open jars, play guitar, work at the computer for hours with virtually no symptoms of arthritis. I've recommended joint soothe to friends who've had similar experiences. The bottle appears expensive, but it lasts for months.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Joint Soothe II

Joint Soothe II®

$49.00  | 4 oz

Joint Soothe II®

$49.00  | 4 oz
Joint Soothe II has a rating of 4.8 stars based on 31 reviews.