Why we love this recipe
This delicious fruit compote recipe is excellent for balancing both Pitta and Vata. As summer waxes into early fall, we naturally notice changes in our appetite and food desires.
Here is a perfect transitional dish that is quick and easy to prepare. It can be served for a breakfast treat, for a heart-healthy snack, or for a delicious naturally-low-cholesterol dessert. Fruit compote is virtually fat-free, full of flavor, and pleasing to all the senses.
For Vata-balancing, serve it warm on cooler fall days. Or if the weather is hot, let it cool and serve this dish at room temperature for a perfect Pitta-balancing dessert.
YIELD: 4 half-cup servings.
- Organic apples, plums, pears, peaches, bananas, cranberries and mangos are ideal for this recipe.
- Choose fresh organic seasonal fruits that are readily available.
- A pinch of cardamom
- A pinch of powdered ginger (a slice of fresh ginger root can be used instead)
- A sprinkle of cinnamon
- 2 whole cloves (optional)
- Peel and cube 2 medium organic apples, one peach or nectarine, and one additional fruit such as a pear, plum or mango.
- Place in a saucepan with one cup water on medium-low heat. (Note: High cooking temperatures break down vitamins and nutrients that are in the fruits.)
- Add herbs and simmer over medium-low heat in a saucepan with a cup of water, stirring occasionally until tender. If water boils off before tender, add a dribble of hot or room-temperature water while cooking.
- Serve in individual dishes warm or at room temperature.
- Use only organic apples, pears and bananas, to which a tablespoon of grated coconut can be added during cooking.
- Use apples and plums and add whole cranberries for a more chutney-like compote.
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