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Gifts Under $25

Need a thoughtful, affordable gift for $25 or less? Choose from handcrafted, small-batch clean beauty and skincare, balancing aromatherapy and incense, tasty teas and treats, and other seasonal self-care selections!


Maharishi AyurVeda

Garshana Massage Gloves


Spring Sunrise

Cultured Ghee 16oz


Spring Sunrise

Organic Ghee Butter 8oz


Maharishi AyurVeda

Real Beauty® Hydrate Shampoo


Maharishi AyurVeda

Youthful Skin™ Eye Gel


Maharishi AyurVeda

Sniffle Free Aroma Oil


Maharishi AyurVeda

Stimulating Kapha Aroma Oil


Paavani Ayurveda

Copper Tongue Cleaner


Elements Truffles

Rose Hot Chocolate Mix


Auromere Ayurvedic Imports

Kapha Dosha Balancing Incense Set


Pure Indian Foods

Digestive Ghee


Pure Indian Foods

Shatavari Ghee


Pure Indian Foods

Ashwagandha Ghee


Paavani Ayurveda

Herbal Hair Oil


Maharishi AyurVeda

Moisture Vata Hair Oil


Nao Ayurveda

Tulsi Rose Toner


Paavani Ayurveda

Ear Oil


Pure Indian Foods

Triphala Ghee
